Diary Report 262 (for April 2014)
April 24, 2014
To: Carolyn, Cliff, Pauline, Chet and Dolores, Lori, Alan, Marcia, Pastor Adonis, David, Stan and Barbara, and Doris
Greetings! I put Prophetic Message #720 from Father God into the April Garner News, so I plan to put Prophetic Message #723 from Lord Jesus into the May Garner News. I plan to include Prophetic Message #724 from Father God and #725 from Lord Jesus with this Diary Report. I have now received and have typed and proofread prophecies through #730. For the next mail out to the 270 newspapers, for the 13 prophetic messages, I will include #722 through #734. They are to print one a week for 13 weeks. With this coming mail out and with the following one, that will complete the seven year trial of mailing them out—then we will see what our God will do in putting His anointing on these editors to print them as a syndicated newspaper column that will go worldwide. This coming mail out is due to be mailed the first Wednesday of June when I will be gone on my trip to Israel. Karen said she will take it to the post office for me after I get it ready to mail before I leave on my trip on May 27th. Pauline and I will be gone to Israel for 10 days. Praise God for this wonderful trip for us with Christ for The Nations out of Dallas. It will be twice as much fun with my younger sister, Pauline “Belle”, going with me.
I have several things that I want to write about with this issue of my trips coming up, some prophecies given to me by Father God, and about some of my art work. I also want to write more about Alan and Michelle’s new house in Covington, GA.
My next trip that I have planned is a driving trip to Marietta, GA to visit Lori and family for two days, leaving here on Friday, May 2. After visiting with them for a couple of days, I plan to drive on down to Orlando, FL and spend a week with my siblings of Carolyn from California, Cliff from Florida, and Pauline with her husband Phil from Oregon. Carolyn, Pauline and Phil plan to fly, arriving on May 5th, with Cliff and myself driving. Cliff plans to rent a van and meet Carolyn, Pauline and Phil at the airport when they arrive. I plan to meet them at our apartment that Cliff secured for us for a week. We plan to tour the Holy Land Experience for one or two days, tour the art museum near Orlando, see the space center, and other attractions in Florida. As we four siblings are so spread out and as we are all getting older now, we hope to get together once a year. We usually take an Elderhostel tour, but will try something different this year.
On the way driving home from Orlando, I will again spend time in Marietta with Lori’s family. Their older son, Joshua, will have his 11th birthday on May 12, the day I arrive back there. They haven’t yet set the date for his party, but if I miss it, I will just give him his gift and wish him a very happy next year.
Alan and Michelle must be out of their apartment in Lansdowne, VA by May 11th. They have set the closing date for their house in Georgia on May 9th. They must get moved in and then Alan must report back to work in Fairfax, VA on May 12th to work about two more months. He plans to live with a friend in Virginia while working this extra time after he moves his family to Georgia. If he works on his present job with Electronic Arts in Virginia through June, he will receive his yearly bonus of several thousand dollars. He has not yet found a job in Georgia, but he has been looking at computer jobs that he can work on from home. His new house is located 45 minutes from Atlanta, depending on the heavy traffic.
After the Georgia/Florida trip and the Israel trip, I plan to attend our yearly Garner Reunion in Mississippi on August 9. My cousin, Inez Ingram, wants me to stay with her for a week afterwards, so we can drive around and visit more of our relatives there near Hattiesburg. I hope to be able to do that with her. At the reunion, I plan to take at least 100 Christian books for adults and take 100 children’s books to give away, as I have been doing each year. I also plan to take more than 100 photos of all the people who attend, to have photos to go into our monthly Garner News all next year. My sister, Carolyn Hill in California, always sends several baby quilts to give away. Last year she sent 8 girl quilts and 8 boy quilts to give away, and they were all taken. Also, Carolyn’s friend, Linda Whaley, sent 3 baby crocheted blankets to give away, and they were all taken. Carolyn also sent an apron with matching pot holders, and they were given to Cousin Inez. Carolyn’s craft’s class meets at their church weekly and makes many items to give away to missions in foreign lands of dolls, baby quilts, pot holders, wash cloth gift packs, children’s shirts and pants, and other items. Most all of their fabric is given to them. Also, I give a check donation to Carolyn monthly to be used for extra supplies and for shipping charges. Carolyn just had her 79th birthday on April 11th. She is thinking of retiring at age 80!
After the August trip to Mississippi, I may again visit Lori during the Labor Day weekend. Lori’s birthday is on September 2nd, so I plan to help her celebrate. Also, Marietta has an outdoor art show in their city center that Labor Day weekend, and I would like to attend it this year, with the possibility of myself entering it a year from then. So we will see how the Lord leads me in this. Also, when I go to Georgia, if Alan is relocated and settled by then, and has some time to spend with me on the computer, I hope we are able to do more Bible Code searches in these prophetic messages, especially in the 40 prophecies in my book, Christmas in The Bible Belt. Another prophetic dream that Father God gave to me, along with the interpretation of the dream is, “Complete sentences will be found hidden in these prophetic messages.” Praise God!
Guidepost’s magazine has a Writer’s Workshop for five days in Rye, New York beginning on October 20, 2014. Every year Guidepost’s has a contest where people may write an article of 2,000 words or less about their faith and submit it for the contest. The 12 winners will be announced in mid-August, and they will be given an all-expense paid trip to their annual Writer’s Workshop. I entered the contest and mailed to them a free copy of my book along with my article. God’s Holy Spirit helped me to write the article, as I definitely am NOT a writer. After I mailed in my entry, Father God spoke to me and said something like this to me:
“You are one of the 12 winners. God is rewarding you with this free trip for all the writing you have been doing for the Lord. God is sending you to this Writer’s Workshop so they can teach you how to better write Christian articles. In the future, you will write many Christian articles for many magazines and other publications. You may tell people that you are a winner.” I praise God for this message.
If this prophetic message comes true in due time, it is from God, and if it doesn’t come true in due time, it is not from God, as this is what the Bible teaches about true prophecy.
I want to write something about my art work, since I am a professional ARTIST, not a professional WRITER, yet! I have done practically NO art work for the past eight months. However, God is encouraging me to do some more art work. Father God told me to have a Christmas Open House at my house and offer my art work for sale. I have never done anything like this before. Father God said, “Have Karen help you with this and give her a percent of sales.” Karen Holmes, who again lives at my house after being gone for nine months, is VERY gifted in hosting events, as she has helped Sandy Powell have many events at Belmont Church, and has helped Abby Burke host many events at Oasis Church.
I now have 73 paintings and drawings finished and framed that could be included in the Open House. I counted my empty frames in the painting room, sun room and attic and found 125 of them. At a recent garage sale, I bought three more small frames. If I can make paintings to fill up all these extra frames by the first week in December, we would be able to display and offer for sale about 200 paintings. Praise God for helping me to fill up all these frames with paintings.
Some of these frames are narrow frames built by Hugh when we were first married, that He built for my larger watercolor paintings. I would need to have mats and glass cut for these frames if I use them. Some are small open-backed standard size frames that are suitable for small oil paintings. Some are small frames that contain prints that already have mats and glass with them, for me to paint my small watercolor paintings the same size as the prints, slip out the prints and slip in my paintings. The Lord has shown me a very simple and easy way to average filling up one of these small frames each day, for six days a week of 25 paintings a month, for five months until the first weekend in December for the Open House. Praise God for giving me a realistic goal to aim for! This art will be only a bit larger than the 1,700 note cards I painted.
Recently I had my yearly eye checkup with Dr. Weikert after my cataract surgery from a year ago. Then I went back a week later and had my eyes checked again for glaucoma. I seem to have some glaucoma in my right eye, and he wants to check it again in three months. While I was waiting in several of the rooms there at the eye clinic, I saw many framed abstract prints on the many walls. I carefully examined each professional print, numbered in each series. Not only did each print compliment the color scheme of the articles in the rooms, but they obeyed the rules of successful abstract art. They each had warm and cool colors, light and dark patterns, a variety of shapes and sizes, and used textures and lines and repeated patterns harmoniously. Each painting was successful within itself, and was successful in the atmosphere with all the other paintings and surrounding objects. Most were painted in matching pairs. It all must have been coordinated by an experienced and talented interior decorator, owned by Vanderbilt.
On the way home from those two trips to my eye doctor, I got to thinking about all those abstract prints on all those walls. I thought, “I know how to do that! I can easily crank out those abstract paintings by the thousands!” All with God’s help, of course! Then God’s Holy Spirit showed me HOW I can do it. I have painted a series of six large realistic orchid paintings with abstract backgrounds. My approach has been to select interesting shapes of orchids with three colors on the orchids, and paint three overlapping orchids in each painting. Then I would select harmonious colors and shapes for the backgrounds to compliment the colors and shapes of the orchids. God’s Holy Spirit has shown me how to take a better, quicker, and more efficient way of painting these orchids:
- Select three harmonious colors of two warm and one cool, or two cool and one warm, and create an abstract pattern over the whole canvas, controlling the light and dark pattern, and using the correct elements of design of a variety of shapes and sizes, and adding textures, lines and repeated patterns as needed.
- Look through all the many orchid books and other flower books, and select flowers that would fit well with the color harmony and shapes of the other design elements already in the paintings, and paint the flowers on top of the colored backgrounds.
- Make a few minor adjustments to the composition backgrounds to harmonize with the flowers. Put on the finishing touches! All so very easy and so very simple! Praise God!
- Fill up all these small frames with paintings, select all the best of these small paintings, and paint them larger in oils. Paint in pairs with matching colors and matching frames.
God gave me a prophetic dream that He will cause my art work to prosper in one year, and He wants me to have this Christmas Open House to display and offer for sale my paintings. Father God also told me that my paintings will sell from my website of “HotOffTheThrone.com”. When the syndicated newspaper column is published in many newspapers, at the bottom of each of the prophetic messages will be my website information. God once told me that my website will receive 80,000 hits a day. This can only happen after the prophecies are published in the newspapers. Father God told me that not only will the 270 largest newspapers carry the prophetic syndicated newspaper column, but the smaller newspapers will also pick up and carry the column. Each newspaper will be charged $35.00 a quarter for the right to publish the 13 messages of one a week for 13 weeks in the quarter. This is the usual standard fee for syndicated newspaper columns. So we will see what our God will do by the end of 2014. Praise God.
Father God gave me a fourth prophetic dream about this syndicated newspaper column. In the dream there was a lady showing many different gifts that a wife could give to her husband that he would like. The 12 gifts were in various containers, and the only one I could remember was a bottle of aspirin. As the lady showed each gift and told about it, she gave the price of it. I wrote down all the prices in a column of figures. After she finished, as I looked at the column of figures, I saw that the number 7 was listed vertically several times along with the numbers 3 and 4 occasionally listed. When I woke up, Father God revealed to me the meaning of the dream. He let me know that He was putting me through 12 trials, and only when I finished passing these 12 trials would He trust me with this syndicated newspaper column. Of the total 12 trials, the ones listed with a 7 had been completed, as 7 is the number of completion. Of the trials with the numbers 4 plus 3, they have not yet been completed. There were about 3 of these 12 trials yet to be completed before God will put His anointing on the syndicated column. He let me know one of the trials was for me to keep on praising God for two hours EVERY morning,
EVEN WHEN I TRAVEL on these many trips. He said that if I don’t do this, that I will not have the knowledge, wisdom, strength, courage and faith in God to face what’s coming on me.