These prophetic messages are given to Velma Davies because I ask my God for them as I claim Jeremiah 33:3, “Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you know not.”
The odd numbered ones are from Lord Jesus, and the even numbered ones are from Father God. The message is the same, because Father God and Lord Jesus are two separate Beings, but are always in one accord. The third Person of the Holy Triune God is the Holy Spirit, Who helps me to receive the prophetic messages.
When I receive them, I am not allowed to add a word, leave out a word, or change a word. I am to print the words exactly as given because there are prophetic messages hidden within the messages that foretell the future of the United States and the future of the world that can be found using the Bible Code search method using computers with equal number of letter skips backwards and forwards. Complete sentences are hidden within the prophecies that can be found using the Bible Code search method.
The title, “Hot Off The Throne” has been given from Father God for the series of prophetic messages to be used of one a week for a syndicated newspaper column.