Diary Report 261 (for March 2014)
March 31, 2014
To: Carolyn, Cliff, Pauline, Chet and Dolores, Lori, Alan, Marcia, Pastor Adonis, David, Stan and Barbara, and Doris
Greetings! I put Prophetic Message #719 from Lord Jesus into the March Garner News, so I will put Prophetic Message #720 into the April Garner News, and will include Prophetic Message #721 from Lord Jesus and #722 from Father God with this Report.
A lot has been happening since last month’s report. I went up to see my son Alan, his wife Michelle, and their new baby son, Jason Alan Davies. He was due to be born on March 19, but he was so restless at night that his mommy decided he should come a week early. They induced labor on March 12, and he was born at 3:33 p.m., weighing 6 lb. 12 oz. and 19 ½”, a totally healthy baby boy! God is good! Alan was able to observe the birth. Michelle was so very glad that they had a boy, as she has three teenage daughters from her first marriage. She said that she was glad that this was her last child. Then I told them about the prophetic dream that God gave me for Alan’s family. Here is the dream that I had about a month ago:
I was in a very large building with a conference room that was part of a church. In the conference room, I was seated with about a dozen adults around a large rectangle conference table. In walked two children, a boy about age 7 and a little blond girl age about 5. I was so very happy to see them, as I knew that they had come from a long distance away, like coming from another state. I took their hands and said, “Let’s go upstairs to my room,” as I was apparently living upstairs in the building. Then I woke up, and Father God said to me, “These are Alan’s children.” I was just truly amazed!
I didn’t tell Alan and Michelle about the dream until I visited them last week. Alan was very happy about the dream, and has a “wait and see” attitude. Michelle wasn’t so sure about the dream!
I left Brentwood on Friday morning, March 22, and drove to Lansdowne, VA with my Google directions. I wanted to drive up and back as the mountain scenery in Virginia going up highway 81 is so very beautiful. Google said it was a 9 ½ hour drive, but it took me 12 ½ plus I lost an hour going through the Eastern time zone. God helped me make all the right turns. PTL!
I went in and greeted Alan, Michelle, and baby Jase! So tiny and so sweet. He drinks 2 oz. of formula every 3 hours, and had gained one pound at this two-week checkup. Michelle takes care of him round the clock, and Alan helps sometimes.
Alan now has two months off from his job at Electronic Arts as a Software Engineer, with one month of vacation, and one month of sabbatical leave that he has earned from his company. He must relocate from their rented apartment on May 11, and he must return to work on May 12. Then he must work through the month of June to get his annual bonus of a few thousand dollars. Then, their family plans to relocate to the Atlanta, GA area. They plan to drive to Atlanta during April to search for a house to buy. Alan wants to buy a house with some acreage attached, like five to ten acres. If Alan can find a job in Atlanta, the company will probably pay his relocation expenses. Here is one sentence in Prophetic Message #722 from Father God:
“Yes, your God has recently given you two prophetic dreams about your art work and your son’s family, and they WILL come true in due time.” Praise Father God!
While I was with Alan and his family for four days, we were able to get a lot done on the computer. Alan set up my website of HotOffTheThrone.com with GoDaddy as the carrier. I paid $300.00 for the website for three years. Alan took the photos of my art work from my camera and put 36 pieces of my art work onto the website. Then he put the last 13 prophetic messages onto the website. Then he put the last four Diary Reports onto the website. He taught me how to update the website, so I don’t need to hire anyone to keep it up and add new information to it as I had been doing before. He set up three more headings on the website. I stayed a day later with them than planned as they got 4” of snowfall the day I was to leave.
Several years ago, I asked Father God, “Are there any hidden Bible Code messages in these prophetic messages?” I knew that I was recording them word for word as Father God and as Jesus gave them to me, and Father God had told me to never add a word, never leave out a word, and never change a word in any of them. Father God answered me, “Yes, there are, and your son will be the one who finds them.” So I asked Alan if we could search for those two prophetic dreams that I had recently, about his daughter born in about two years from now, and about my art work prospering in one year from now. Alan was able to go online and find out how to do a search using the Bible Code method with the various letter skips forward and backward. First we searched for the name OBAMA and found it six times in the Bible book of Exodus. Then Alan was able to do the search in English. We took my latest prophecy from Lord Jesus of #723 and searched for some words in it. With this method of searching, you have to tell the computer what words to search for. In this one prophetic message alone, we were able to find these 17 words: ISRAEL, USA, NEW YORK, WAR, ALAN, JOB, VELMA, PAINT, ARTS, BOOK, BIBLE BELT, CLASS, TWO, THREE, YEARS. We were not able to connect any of the words into groups. The word ALAN was listed many times, the word NEW YORK was also listed many times, and the word VELMA was listed only once in reverse. Most of the other words were listed only once. Some of the words that we searched for that we did not find were: DAUGHTER, CHILDREN, PROPHET, DECODER, OBAMA, GARNER, DAVID, DAVIES, AMERICA.
To me, this was just amazing that we were able to find so many words that actually had meaning in our search in only ONE of the 723 prophetic messages that I have now written out and typed up. I read that when the Bible Code was found using computers that many hidden messages were found in the Hebrew Old Testament and in the Greek New Testament. Searches were made in English writings and practically no words were found. They even searched the complete works of Shakespeare, and were able to find only 3 or 4 short words, and the words had no meaning, like the word, THAT. So far as I know now, no meaningful words have ever been found in any writings written in English, except these prophetic messages.
A year ago when I self-published the book, “Christmas in The Bible Belt,” the Lord told me to publish 1,000 copies and sell them for a dollar over cost. I took the hard copy (camera-ready copy) to Office Depot and paid $12,000.00 for them to print 1,000 copies. I have given away about 250 copies of them and still have the others. A few months ago, I asked Father God if I should advertise the book for sale on Elijah’s List online? Father God replied, “You can if you want to, but it will not sell well until the Bible Code messages are found in the prophetic messages in the book. After they are found, it will become a world-wide best seller. Then you will have more income from the sale of this book than you have ever dreamed possible. You will have more than enough money to support all the charities that you wish to support, and you will be able to help anyone that you wish to help.” So I did not advertise it for sale on Elijah’s List. I plan to wait for God’s timing on the sale of this book.
When I was at Alan’s house, I told him what Father God had told me about us finding messages in the 40 prophetic messages listed in the book. The prophetic messages in the book are numbered in the 340s. Now I am receiving messages numbered in the 720s. I thought that we couldn’t search for any messages given in the prophecies in the book, as those messages were received by me about7 years ago, and were recorded on my previous computer that had been done away with. I thought that I would have to go home, retype the messages, and email them to Alan before he could do any Bible Code research on them. However, Alan was able to pull up all my computer information, and found all the 40 prophetic messages under the title of the book, “Christmas in The Bible Belt,” where I had typed them in the format of the self-published book a couple of years ago. Praise God. Now he has them available so he can do research on them.
I told Alan while I was there, “Someday you can work for me, searching for these Bible Code messages in these over 720 prophetic messages, and I will pay you enough money for your family to live on, with you just working two hours a day at home.” Praise God.
The Lord told me a couple of months ago that the seven-year trial of me mailing these prophetic messages to the Nation’s 270 largest newspapers for the syndicated newspaper column will end this year in 2014. Then, in due time, God will put His anointing on these editors and they will publish these prophetic messages. I now have two more quarterly mailings to complete the seven year trial. After the Bible Code messages are found in these prophecies, it will become world-wide NEWS, and the newspapers will feel the need to publish them. The next quarterly mailing must be prepared by me before I leave on my trip to Israel on May 27. It must be mailed out on the first Wednesday in June, which is two days before I return from my trip. Karen Holmes, who recently moved back into my house, said that she will take them to the post office for me if she is here then. Praise God. Here is one sentence from Prophetic Message #724 that was given to me by Father God on March 18, 2014:
“Soon these prophetic messages WILL be printed in these newspapers, and they WILL go around the world, and they WILL win many people to Jesus Christ, and they WILL cause many people to come out of all sin and live for God.”
A very interesting thing happened yesterday during the third service at Oasis Church which I attended. Pastor Danny Chambers, our lead pastor, brought his good sermon. He talked about us fulfilling our purpose for our lives that God has given to us, even when we don’t understand why people come against us and try to stop us. He ended his sermon with telling the story recently that was on the news about a man who applied for a job at Google five years ago. He was well qualified for the job, but couldn’t understand why he was not hired for the job. In the years since he was turned down for the job, he invented an App which he recently sold to Google for several billion dollars. (Alan told me he wants to invent an App—he found a Bible Code App.)
I had not heard this story on the latest news, but several other people had. When I heard Pastor Danny tell this story, God’s Holy Spirit impressed on my mind that Pastor Danny has done this same thing, and that I should tell him about it after the service is over. I told the Lord that I would speak with Pastor Danny about it if He would make a way for me to speak with him.
After the service was over, I went up to Pastor Danny and asked him if he could speak to me, as God wants me to tell him something. He took both my hands in his and listened to me as I told him something like this: “You know the story you told in your sermon about the person inventing the App and selling it to Google after he had been turned down from a job at Google? Well, the exact same thing is happening now with Pastor Danny.”
He asked, “In what way is it happening? I don’t understand.”
I told him, “Do you remember about ten years ago at the merger, you met me and shook my hand? At the time I told you that I had prophetic messages on my computer website, and you said to me, ‘You cannot have those prophetic messages at this church.’ Well, Father God is now going to have these prophetic messages in a syndicated newspaper column that will go worldwide. I have been in a seven-year trial of mailing 13 prophetic messages out to the 270 largest newspapers in the nation every quarter for the past 6 ½ years. The seven-year trial will be up in 2014, and then God will put His anointing on these editors, and they will publish these prophetic messages in these newspapers.”
I told him about my son Alan recently finding Bible Code messages in one of the prophecies, and I told him about the book being a world-wide best seller after messages are found in the prophecies in the book. I told him about the flood of money income from book sales. I asked him if he knew what a syndicated newspaper column is, and he answered that he does know.
I told him that Pastor Rice Broocks told me not to join Bethel and not to even visit Bethel if I do not believe like Pastor Rice does. Pastor Danny asked me why I was not welcome at Bethel? I told him that I had told Pastor Rice that I had over 700 prophetic messages written out and typed up with ½ of them from Father God and ½ of them from Jesus Christ. Pastor Rice said to me, “That’s impossible, as Father God and Jesus Christ are the same person.” Pastor Rice told me that I couldn’t do something that I have been doing nearly every day for 30 years, hearing from Father God and hearing from Jesus, because I ask Them to speak to me, and they each do speak to me EVERY time that I ask Them to. Praise God.
Pastor Danny took the time to let me tell him everything that God wanted me to tell him, even though it made him late for his 2:00 p.m. meeting across town. Pastor Danny said to me, “I hope that the plan does work out and that it will be successful.” (or said something like that.) I told him that we would know something about it by the end of year 2014. Praise God he listened.